Robust-Locomotion-by-Logic: Perturbation-Resilient Bipedal Locomotion via Signal Temporal Logic Guided Model Predictive Control

1The Laboratory for Intelligent Decision and Autonomous Robots (LIDAR), George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Tech, 2Physiology of Wearable Robotics Laboratory (PoWeR Lab), George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Tech

The Cassie robot performs the cross-leg dynamics manuver on CAREN platform to recovery from an external disturbance.


This study introduces a robust planning framework that utilizes a model predictive control (MPC) approach, enhanced by incorporating signal temporal logic (STL) specifications. This marks the first-ever study to apply STL-guided trajectory optimization for bipedal locomotion, specifically designed to handle both translational and orientational perturbations. Existing recovery strategies often struggle with reasoning complex task logic and evaluating locomotion robustness systematically, making them susceptible to failures caused by inappropriate recovery strategies or lack of robustness. To address these issues, we design an analytical robustness metric for bipedal locomotion and quantify this metric using STL specifications, which guide the generation of recovery trajectories to achieve maximum locomotion robustness. To enable safe and computational-efficient crossed-leg maneuver, we design data-driven self-leg-collision constraints that are 1000 times faster than the traditional inverse-kinematics-based approach. Our framework outperforms a state-of-the-art locomotion controller, a standard MPC without STL, and a linear-temporal-logic-based planner in a high-fidelity dynamic simulation, especially in scenarios involving crossed-leg maneuvers. Additionally, the Cassie bipedal robot achieves robust performance under horizontal and orientational perturbations such as those observed in ship motions. These environments are validated in simulations and deployed on hardware. Furthermore, our proposed method demonstrates versatility on stepping stones and terrain-agnostic features on inclined terrains.


Boat Motion

Sloped Terrain

Stepping Stone


Omnidirectional Horizontal Perturbation

Orientational Perturbation


  author       = {Zhaoyuan Gu and Yuntian Zhao and Yipu Chen and Rongming Guo and Jennifer K. Leestma and Gregory S. Sawicki and Ye Zhao},
  title        = {Robust-Locomotion-by-Logic: Perturbation-Resilient Bipedal Locomotion via STL-Based Model Predictive Control},
  journal      = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.15993},
  year         = 2024,
  url          = {},
  archivePrefix= {arXiv},
  eprint       = {2403.15993},
  primaryClass = {cs.RO}